Cleaning: Use the right cleaner to keep your Invisalign aligners clear and transparent. Some toothpastes can damage aligners by scratching or discoloring them. Use cleaners made for Invisalign or retainers. If these aren’t available, mild, clear liquid soap works. For more cleaning advice, contact us.
Removing Buildup: Aligners often collect debris. To clean them:
Always follow the product instructions for best results.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial when using Invisalign aligners. Regular brushing and flossing prevent food and plaque from getting trapped under the trays. One advantage of Invisalign is that it allows for normal oral care routines, unlike traditional braces.
When it comes to eating and drinking, water is the only safe option while wearing aligners. For all other food and drinks, remove your aligners to prevent staining and damage. Invisalign trays aren’t designed to withstand the pressure of chewing.
It’s wise to always carry your aligner case with you. This ensures you have a safe place to store your aligners when you need to eat or drink. For more information regarding the maintenance of your aligners, please contact us here.
In most cases, Invisalign treatment takes 6 months to 1 year.
Smile Vegas Dental is in network with most major PPO dental plans. Your treatment may be covered in part or full depending on the type of coverage you have. We do offer free Invisalign consultations for patients living in Las Vegas
Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. Invisalign clear aligners make it possible to correct common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex – all without interrupting your busy life
Invisalign treatment contains professional supervision by our Invisalign certified dentist while at home options do not, increasing the risk of complications and poor results. Case complexity plays a part as most cases are not suitable for at home aligners
There are no restrictions on what you can drink or eat.
No, you should remove your aligners before eating to prevent damage and staining.
For most cases, we have patients wear the first three trays for two weeks each then one week wear for the remaining of the treatment
We recommend wearing the clear aligners at night only to keep the teeth in the same position
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Copyright by Smile Vegas Dental. All rights reserved.